Holt HI-3220 Project Software and Documentation USB memory stick.
IAR Systems Embedded Workbench® for ARM (32KB KickStart) on USB memory stick.
Plug-in 5V DC power adapter.
USB mini debug interface cable.
RS-232 serial cable, DB-9M to DB-9F for console I/O using a connected computer.
USB to serial dongle adapter.
2-board assembly comprised of:
Upper HI-3220 evaluation board. DIP switches configure board operation.
Lower MCU board with (Microchip/Atmel) ARM Cortex M3 16-/32-bit microprocessor, debug interface and regulated 3.3VDC power supply
The Holt ADK-3220 evaluation board demonstrates the broad feature set of Holt’s ARINC 429 Data Management IC, HI-3220. This device includes sixteen ARINC 429 receivers and eight digital transmitters integrated into a single IC and is the successor to the HI-3200 and HI-3210; additional features include an expanded number of channels and new enhancements designed to increase host communication efficiency.